Tanya Farrell

Chair – Consultative Council on Obstetric and Paediatric Mortality and Morbidity

State or Territory:

  • Victoria

Primary position including institution/organisation:

  • Chair – Consultative Council on Obstetric and Paediatric Mortality and Morbidity (CCOPMM)
  • Senior Maternity Advisor – Safer Care Victoria.

About Tanya Farrell:

  • Tanya Farrell is a midwife and a nurse – and holds 2 key roles that focus on improving healthcare for women, babies and children across Victoria.
  • As the Chair of CCOPMM she oversees the investigation and reporting of all maternal, perinatal and paediatric mortality and morbidity as well as providing advice to the Minister for Health, Safer Care Victoria (SCV) and Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) on strategies to improve clinical care and avoid preventable deaths and significant morbidity in Victoria.
  • The Council also manages the Victorian Perinatal Data Collection (VPDC), a population-based surveillance system that collects and analyses comprehensive information on the health of mothers and babies, in order to contribute to improvements in their health.
  • As the Maternity Advisor Tanya provides strategic clinical leadership and advice on issues related to maternity services and midwifery, particularly in relation to safety and quality improvement.
  • Tanya is also an Adjunct Professor in Nursing and Midwifery at La Trobe University.

Why does preventing early birth matter to you?

“In Victoria Preterm Birth is the leading cause of neonatal deaths and also features as a cause of stillbirths each year. For families who do not take their babies home this is a tragedy. For babies born preterm who survive many have lifelong needs. So preventing preterm birth must be a priority across Australia with a focus on understanding more and reducing preterm births.”

“The effects of preterm birth are lifelong – emotionally, socially and financially for the community and the heath care system. Victoria also sees a gap between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal preterm birth rates. This is an area that requires significant A focus of we are to close the gap on the outcomes for our indigenous women, babies and families.”

The Australian Preterm Birth Prevention Alliance is working to safely lower the rate of early birth across Australia.