Dr Kiarna Brown

Consultant Obstetrician Gynaecologist, NT

State or Territory:

  • Northern Territory

Primary position including institution/organisation:

  • Consultant Obstetrician Gynaecologist, Royal Darwin Hospital 

About Dr Kiarna Brown:

  • Dr Kiarna Brown is a Consultant Obstetrician Gynaecologist. She completed her medical degree at the University of Western Australia in 2005. Kiarna completed her FRANZCOG training in South East Queensland, Darwin and Hobart. 
  • After gaining her Fellowship she moved back to Darwin to take up a Staff Specialist position at the Royal Darwin Hospital. She now shares her clinical time between RDH and Darwin Private Hospital.
  • Kiarna is also currently Deputy Chair of the RANZCOG Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Women’s Health Committee. 

Why does preventing early birth matter to you?

“As an Obstetrician working in the Northern Territory (NT), I see the devastating effects of babies born too early far too often. The preterm birth rate for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander babies in the NT is almost DOUBLE that of the non-Aboriginal population at over 14%. This equates to too many mothers walking out of hospital without their babies in their arms and too many babies starting life already at a disadvantage. If we are going to be serious about closing the gap in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health, then preterm birth prevention is the best place to start.​”

The Australian Preterm Birth Prevention Alliance is working to safely lower the rate of early birth across Australia.